
Lab Online

      to general description
Patient query - A web browser suffices to query, browse, create, delete, update or batch process records in any table, if the user has appropriate access rights. AJAX technology ensures smooth and responsive behavior.
Order query - Lab orders can be retrieved via direct querying as well as via the patient context. Note how visiting physicians can show their patient's address in a popup Google® map, prior to making a house call.
Order entry - Offering multiple configurable forms, lab guide links, user-specific profile favorites, redundancy confirmation and request-driven information prompting. A tree overview shows destination labs, sample volume requirements and cost estimates.
Order approval - Although orders can be entered by assistants, only the ordering physician can approve them. This can be done from the barcoded summary report, showing requests per sample as well as therapeutical information.
Sampling list creation - In hospital environments, sampling lists are generated for one or more wards. Upon specification of selection criteria, matching patients and samples are shown for optional deselection by the user before the list is generated.
Barcode labels - Barcode labels can be generated per sampling list or per individual order. Their content is configurable for each target workplace. Remote users can print the labels from their web browser.
Sample scanning - Sample collection can be registered by processing the sampling list or by scanning individual sample barcodes. Optionally, preliminary patient scanning can be enforced to reduce the probability of sample mixup. Any information expected at collection time is automatically prompted for.
Order status - At any time, order issuers can consult status information about their orders, detailed by individual requests, samples and results. Any non-conformities detected by the laboratory are highlighted.
Manual result entry - Used as result server, Lab Online doesn't apply redundant validation to LIS results but preserves references and flags as originally received. Used as Filler however, locally configured validation rules are applied.
Order query with immediate result display - When test occurrence criteria are applied, the list of matching orders can display results of the selected tests, enabling comparison across patients.
Result review - In the result review screen, tests are organized in collapsible sections. Composite results of arbitrary complexity are rendered in a pop-up window.
Image results - Test results can also be images such as hematology scattergrams. Per prescription, thumbnails are shown in cumulative overviews. Zooming in is possible by clicking on the thumbnail.
Test history - For tests selected in the result review screen, the complete result history of the patient can be displayed in text as well as in graphs.
Order attachments - Any number of order attachments can be previewed or printed along with the report.
Printable report - Printable reports are generated in Adobe Portable Document Format. Several styles are available, including landscape orientation for a maximal number of historical result columns.
Quality control - Monitor your lab's quality using data obtained either from control measurements or from moving patient averages (via Bull's algorithm). Results failing Westgard™ rules are highlighted on Levey-Jennings charts.
Session statistics - An overview of user login behavior during a specified time interval can be obtained with a single click. Statistics include activity per user and activity per time slot.
Model definition - Within the application itself, privileged users can modify the business model. Both the database structure and the user interface follow dynamically. The model can be exchanged with XML files and is automatically documented.
Querying and browsing - Every table can be queried for records matching a combination of criteria. Record browsers are editable in-place.
Form definition - Any dialog provides access to a hierarchical layout editor where you can add, remove or redesign contained objects.
Scripting - With scripting, you can insert customized behavior. The example shown is a synchronized web browser, directed to an address computed from data in the focused record. A choice of scripting languages is available.
Traceability - Administrators can configure the level of tracing detail for each table or field that may be modified, and for each function that may be used. Traces reports show traces of the selected record as well as those of any owned child records.
Background processing - Background processes can provide many services simultaneously. Administrators can control them using chat windows, and monitor them using real-time log viewers and dashboards.
Mobile browser support - Lab Online is available wherever you go! PDA and smart phone users are provided with a simplified page layout, suitable for use on small screens, without the need for panning or zooming.