Software für medizinische Labore
Welcome to Moonchase, your supplier of easily deployable, contemporary information systems for medical laboratories. Moonchase was founded by a team of proven domain experts in 2009, and is based in Gent, Belgium. Using our extensive experience we provide modern, scalable enterprise products based on open source technology and dynamic business modeling.
On these pages we present our solutions, including the Lab Online suite of web applications, which is often acknowledged as best of breed. Click here for a preview. If you are interested, you can contact us here. We will be happy to provide a detailed presentation or live demonstration.
Neueste Nachrichten
- 21. April 2017 - Lab Online Kunden Zeugnis aus dem klinischen Labor Declerck in Ardooie, Belgien. Lies mehr.
- 2. Februar 2017 - Die niederländische Gesundheitsorganisation "ZorgSaam Zeeuws-Vlaanderen" entscheidet sich für Lab Online.
- 1. Februar 2017 - Jessa Krankenhaus in Hasselt, Belgien, wählt Lab Online.
- 17. Januar 2017 - Niederländische Krankenhausgründung "Gelre Ziekenhuizen" wählt Lab Online.
- 4. August 2016 - Das "Institut Mutualiste Montsouris" in Paris wählt Lab Online für die Auftragserfassung.